About the club:
Stafford Harriers running club has a long history and a reputation of being one of the most friendliest and supportive running clubs. Pre-covid the club had 400 active members, but are currently averaging 210 in senior and juniors with a healthy combination of male to female runners. It is one of the few clubs in the area to cater for juniors (8yrs+).
The club very much values its senior members with some recognised as “life presidents”.
The club hosts four main events: Showground Relays (at the County Showground, in June), Staffs Knot 5 (Cannock Chase, in July), Bare Wrist (Stafford town, on 1st January) and NSCCL’s Cross-Country race (at Stafford Common, in October). These races attract almost 2,500 athletes (post covid) and by advertising through leaflets, Facebook, Instagram, and via other clubs and associations they reach almost all of Staffordshire and the surrounding areas!
Club members also participate in many local, national and international races therefore increasing the visibility of Stafford Harriers.
Running of the club is managed by a dedicated committee with an experienced set of members who are passionate about running and importantly happy to share the joy of running. Again, the gender, demographic and experience mix is very good. They also have a history of annually nominating at least three (local) charities for which considerable monetary funds are raised via running, social events, bingo, raffle tickets, etc.
The club has managed its finances very well and has come out of the pandemic with a stable bank balance. However, all running events are currently experiencing fewer entries, but with our experience and knowledge of putting on great events we are confident we can return to the pre-pandemic numbers. The seeking of sponsorship is to achieve the following targets:
1/ Be confident to host and run successful events knowing that they will be able to afford a loss should they not receive a break even number of participants.
Sponsorship funds could be towards payment of fees (club’s training ground or race location) and supply of items (trophies, prizes, drinks, etc..).
2/ Invest in (re-)training and increasing number of leaders. Invite external coaches to run sessions with alternate styles.
3/ Invest in the club’s future – the club needs to make an asserted drive to increase the Juniors section of the club. It has invested in a limited supply of running tops but with willing sponsors, it would be a an incentive for juniors to join. Funds would also be used to grow the number of coaches specialised in the wellbeing of Juniors.
4/ Sponsors that are also able to help attract additional membership to the club through their employees, contacts, etc.
Target to raise via sponsorship:
The club has a monetary figure of £6,700 for the year 2024, but understands some of the funds could come as supplies (i.e. drinks for events, medals, etc.).
Proposal to Sponsors:
Level Bronze
All sponsors enter at this level and will have their name on the website and leaflets (5000 – distributed in Year 2023).
Number of leaflets printed and distributed in 2023: 5,500 in colour. (scan and attach example below).
Limit: The club will limit Sponsorship at this level to: 12 (twelve) to accommodate printing and good monthly rotation on website and newsletters.
Costs: £100.00 per annum.
Level Silver – includes Bronze plus:
Name on Bibs (excludes Cross Country bibs as the printing and distribution of these are controlled by NSCCL and not the club).
Bibs for Showground relays, Staffs Knot and Bare Wrist are currently NOT posted. If sponsors want to cover cost for postage and having their name on envelopes – this would be at extra costs (estimated at £1.30 + postage).
Limit: The club will limit Sponsorship at this level to: 6 (Six) good visual of logos on bibs.
Costs: £250.00 per annum.
Level Gold – includes Bronze, Silver plus:
One distance marker with name, name tagged on Facebook announcements, name on one road signs (selected by sponsor) to signal direction to the two events: Showground Relays and Staffs Knot. Three ( in rotation for the 4 Gold sponsors) promotions on Social Media in the form of 2 stories (24hrs only) and one main post on the page per month. Below is an example post on social media.
Limit: The club will limit Sponsorship at this level to: 4 (Four) good visual of logos on bibs.
Costs: £500.00 per annum.
Level Platinum includes all of the above plus:
One signage at the start or finish area of (SGR, SK, XC), or near the awards giving area (at SGR and SK). The preference is for the sponsor to provide appropriate signage, otherwise, the club will invest (to a limited budget of £200 – potential examples below).
Limit: The club will limit Sponsorship at this level to: 2 (Two) for good visual of logos to frame images posted on social media.
Costs: £1,000.00 per annum.
AOB – and open for discussion points:
1/ Items that could be included in any or all of the categories as extras but paid for by sponsors – Hats, Medals, Drinks, Bandanas, junior/fun run giveaways!
2/ Limit on size of Name or Logo? (space on bib, etc.),
3/ Leaflets and gift examples on page 4,
4/ Be a guest speaker at the Clubs Awards evening,
5/ Loyalty program for multi-year sponsorship,
6/ Sponsor a run (for example a speed session at the track) with focused PR on the event for the sponsor (for example: wear sponsor-supplied t-shirts),
7/ Schedule regular feedback sessions with sponsors.
Below are examples of gifts the club distributes at events, and leaflets to advise events. They will be planning the design for the 2024 leaflets in early November – an opportunity for would-be sponsors to be included!