Club News

News Headlines

5K Time Trial Wednesday 31st July

The fourth 5K Time trial – this year we are planning to hold them on the last Wednesday of each month.

This is an event open to all seniors and advanced juniors. Just run down the disused railway towards Derrington and back. This is a great way to measure your improvement over the same distance and on a flattish course over the spring and summer.

Meet at the car park on Martin Drive, Castlefields at 6 pm for a 6:15 pm start.

This session is open to all senior members, and advanced juniors and will replace the usual Wednesday training sessions.

Runners need to book the session via our calendar.


We need about six people to make sure everything is covered. More and then we will double up the marshalls.

Helpers for 5K Time Trial
Full Name
Optional message to the organiser ie your starting time, jobs you want to do (or avoid.

People who have volunteered.

Chris Skellern
 Sandra Smith
 Gill Hodkinson
 Graham Williams
 Sadie Bennett
 Chris Bennett



Update:- Coach trip 2024 – Race the Train

22 June LATEST UPDATE – If you have put your name down, I have sent you an email via about paying for the coach £17.50 per person, the email contains a link to the shop. Please follow this link and make your payment.

If you can’t go please contact me and I will remove you from the list – Colin

LAST UPDATE – If you have now entered the race please email and your name will be updated to ‘entered’. If you can no longer go, please also email in.  If anyone else wants to go on the coach, please add your name before 31st May so that we can arrange which size coach to use and finalise prices.

Please register your interest!


Hello, Harriers!

To be ultra organised this year, please note this year’s coach trip is to Race the Train in Towyn, Wales. This is both for runners and non-runners and is as much a social day out as competing in the race itself.

It is held on Saturday 17th August at 2.05pm and is a multi-terrain 14 mile race with the aim of beating the train!

There is also a shorter race starting at 11.15 am (10k) but unfortunately, the coach trip is only for the 14-mile race. If we had people entering the earlier race, it would mean a very early start and we would need 2 drivers for the coach, which would be costly. If we’re going all the way to Wales we might as well enter the main race!! All abilities are welcome! [Ian has confirmed only the 14 mile race is in the Challenge]

I, myself have competed in this race 4 times and I absolutely love it! There is a great atmosphere, with lots of locals cheering you on, along the way. You will not be disappointed! All runners get a t-shirt and medal and there is a marquee at the finish that sells snacks and beer! Much-needed refreshments, if you ask me!

If you don’t fancy the race, there are tickets for the train itself, so you can hop on and cheer your friends, and family on the route, as the course doesn’t deviate from the track too far. What’s not to love?!

Entries for the race and train are now open, so to find out more about this trace and to book yourself a place please click on the following link – Home – Race The Train Tywyn

If you are interested, please put your name below and state if you have entered or not, so that we can work out what size coach we will be requiring!!! If you haven’t entered yet, still put your name down, as we still have plenty of time to enter!

We can’t yet estimate the cost as we don’t know what size coach we will need.




List of people wanting to go :-

Sally Haycock :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 John Scott :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Nitesh Thakrar :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 pete chell :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Christopher Seale :  Not Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Jason Littlewood :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Sarah Gray :  Not Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Eddie Smith :  Not Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Ness Parsonage :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Ashley Jones :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Nia Nokes :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Antonio Treglia :  Not Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Natalie Harper :  Not Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Ian Hodkinson :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Gill Hodkinson :  Not Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Ruth Edward's :  Not Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Mark Oliver :  Not Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Joanne Oliver :  Not Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Jake Oliver :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Liz Austin :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Julie Nokes :  Not Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Sam Jones :  Not Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Val Stuart :  Not Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Paul Bentham :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Chris Skellern :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Ron stuart :  Not Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Wayne Gallagher :  Not Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Charlotte Mitchell :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Tom Davall :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Robert Mitchell :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Simon Groom :  Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Jo Jo :  Not Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid
 Jess Espley :  Not Racing : Coach Place Booked and Paid


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