Wanting to returning to running after an injury ?

It is hard to know when to start running again after an injury.  Sorry, I have no magic answer…

The thought of rejoining a running session for an hour putting you off…

Two options for you to consider –

Wednesday Improvers Speed Session ( I know the title may put you off) but this is held on the Cricket grounds. The word speed refers to your current speed — not what you have done in the past or what others are capable of doing. However, you need the discipline to keep it steady and not start competing !!

Tuesday and Thursday Complete Beginners. We are currently on 20 minutes of running (4 sessions of 5-minute run and 2-minute walk down the River path), building over the next 10 weeks to 50 minutes. There are a range of abilities.

You get to talk and run what could be better for both your mental and physical health.


Please make sure you talk to the session leader before you join in.

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